Ways to set up the picture area

The picture area is the place you put the objects you're currently working with as you design your picture. When you open Microsoft PhotoDraw, you can choose from a variety of predefined sizes for the picture area. You can also change size, color, and other options for the picture area.

Change size by dragging picture guides   You can unlock and display the picture guides that hold the picture area in place, and then resize the picture area by dragging them. Resize the picture area by dragging picture guides

Change size by entering measurements    For example, if you know the exact height and width you want for your picture, you can enter the measurements in the Picture Setup dialog box. Change the size of the picture area

Fit picture area to selection    For example, if the photo object you inserted into your picture is larger than the picture area, you can resize the picture area to fit around the photo. Resize the picture area to fit a selection

Change unit of measure   For example, you can display pixels instead of inches on the rulers and the status bar. Change the default unit of measurement

Change orientation   You can make the picture area taller than it is wide or wider than it is tall. Change the orientation of the picture area

Change color   You can change the color of the picture area from white to another color. Change the color of the picture area

Go back to PhotoDraw settings   You can make the picture area look the way it did when you first installed PhotoDraw. Restore original picture area settings